
Support the OpenGov idea to create a "Platform for number crunchers across (US Federal) government" HERE. A small team is building a small pilot and I'm happy to report that R appears on many of the posts. If you like the idea (or even if you don't), sign up and vote.


Just joined R bloggers (http://www.r-bloggers.com/). I'm using R to write G-code for the milling maching. This evening (10/25/2010), I'll give a talk on this at the DC-area UseR meetup. Here's a link to the presentation: http://files.meetup.com/1503964/Using%20R%20to%20Cut%20Triangles.pdf
Giving talk at 8/25/2010 DC-area meetup. Here's a link to the presentation: http://bit.ly/cWK4vD